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November 1973
This article was originally published in
Clinical Science and Molecular Medicine
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ISSN 0301-0538
In this Issue
A Specific Increase in Cardiovascular Reactivity Related to Sodium Retention in Doca-Salt-Treated Rats
Clin Sci Mol Med (1973) 45 (5): 571–581.
Relationships between Ion and Water Movement in the Human Jejunum, Ileum and Colon during Perfusion with Bile Acids
Clin Sci Mol Med (1973) 45 (5): 593–606.
Radioimmunoassay of Aldosterone in Plasma and Urine: Validation of a Novel Separation Technique and a Rapid Urine Assay
Clin Sci Mol Med (1973) 45 (5): 607–623.
The Absorption of the Diastereoisomers of 5-Methyltetrahydropteroylglutamate in Man: A Carrier-Mediated Process
Clin Sci Mol Med (1973) 45 (5): 625–631.
A Comparative Study on the Metabolism of Human Insulin and Porcine Proinsulin in Man
Clin Sci Mol Med (1973) 45 (5): 633–654.
Spontaneous Denaturation as a Possible Initial Step in the Breakdown of Serum Albumin in Vivo
Clin Sci Mol Med (1973) 45 (5): 665–675.
Generation of Angiotensin II at Peripheral Vascular Level: Studies Using Angiotensin II Antisera
Clin Sci Mol Med (1973) 45 (5): 691–700.
Central and Peripheral Mechanisms in the Maintenance of Experimental Hypertension in the Rabbit
Clin Sci Mol Med (1973) 45 (5): 701–709.
Short Communication
Absorption of Amino Acids from an Amino Acid Mixture Simulating Casein and a Tryptic Hydrolysate of Casein in Man
Clin Sci Mol Med (1973) 45 (5): 715–719.