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June 1976
This article was originally published in
Clinical Science and Molecular Medicine
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ISSN 0301-0538
In this Issue
The Renal Handling of Insulin and Thyroid Hormones in Normal Man
Clin Sci Mol Med (1976) 50 (6): 435–437.
The Effect of Anaesthesia of the Airway in Dog and Man: A Study of Respiratory Reflexes, Sensations and Lung Mechanics
Clin Sci Mol Med (1976) 50 (6): 439–454.
The Relation between Potassium in Body Fluids and Total Body Potassium in Healthy and Diabetic Subjects
Clin Sci Mol Med (1976) 50 (6): 455–461.
The Encephalopathic Action of Five-carbon-atom Fatty Acids in the Rabbit
P. F. Teychenne; I. Walters; L. E. Claveria; D. B. Calne; Jane Price; B. B. Macgillivary; D. Gompertz
Clin Sci Mol Med (1976) 50 (6): 463–472.
Effect of Diphosphonates on Adenosine 3′:5′-Cyclic Monophosphate in Mouse Calvaria after Stimulation by Parathyroid Hormone in vitro
Clin Sci Mol Med (1976) 50 (6): 473–478.
Some Properties of Human Platelet Monoamine Oxidase in Iron-Deficiency Anaemia
Clin Sci Mol Med (1976) 50 (6): 479–485.
The Effect of Insulin on Adenosine 3′:5′-Monophosphate and Guanosine 3′:5′-Monophosphate Concentrations in Human Plasma
Clin Sci Mol Med (1976) 50 (6): 487–491.
Absorption of Galactose by the Rat Small Intestine in Vivo: Proximal—Distal Kinetic Gradients and a New Method to Express Absorption Per Enterocyte
Clin Sci Mol Med (1976) 50 (6): 499–509.
Studies of Amino Acid and Protein Metabolism in Normal Man with l-[U-14C]Tyrosine
Clin Sci Mol Med (1976) 50 (6): 525–532.
Release of Colony-Stimulating Activity from the Isolated Perfused Rat Liver
Clin Sci Mol Med (1976) 50 (6): 539–544.
The Effect of Active Immunization against Aldosterone on the Colonic Potential Response and Sodium Excretion in Rabbits
Clin Sci Mol Med (1976) 50 (6): 545–549.