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November 1981
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ISSN 0143-5221
EISSN 1470-8736
In this Issue
Editorial Review
Carotid Sinus Reflex Control of Renin Release in Hypertensive Subjects with High Renin Secretion
G. Mancia; A. Ferrari; G. Leonetti; Luisa Gregorini; Laura Terzoli; G. Parati; C. Bianchini; A. Zanchetti
Clin Sci (Lond) (1981) 61 (5): 505–509.
Effect of Adrenalectomy on the Development of Isolation-Induced Hypertension in Rats
Clin Sci (Lond) (1981) 61 (5): 511–519.
Accentuated Hypotensive Effect of Sodium Nitroprusside in Man after Captopril
Clin Sci (Lond) (1981) 61 (5): 521–526.
Plasma Angiotensin II Concentration Regulates Vascular but Not Adrenal Responsiveness to Restriction of Sodium Intake in Normal Man
Clin Sci (Lond) (1981) 61 (5): 527–534.
Blunted Pressor Response to Angiotensin and Sympathomimetic Amines in Bile-Duct Ligated Dogs
Clin Sci (Lond) (1981) 61 (5): 535–539.
Comparison of Intrarenal and Extrarenal Converting-Enzyme Inhibition by SQ 20 881 on Canine Renal Blood Flow
Clin Sci (Lond) (1981) 61 (5): 553–557.
Mechanical Properties and Reactivity of Vessels in Isolated Perfused Lungs of Chronically Hypoxic Rats
Clin Sci (Lond) (1981) 61 (5): 569–580.
Reduced Airway Vagal Tone in Diabetic Patients with Autonomic Neuropathy
Clin Sci (Lond) (1981) 61 (5): 581–584.
Novel Double-Isotope Technique for Enzymatic Assay of Catecholamines, Permitting High Precision, Sensitivity and Plasma Sample Capacity
Clin Sci (Lond) (1981) 61 (5): 591–598.
Renal Salt and Water Handling in Water Immersion in the Nephrotic Syndrome
Clin Sci (Lond) (1981) 61 (5): 605–610.
Effects of Thyroparathyroidectomy, Phosphate Depletion and Diphosphonate Therapy on Acute Uraemic Extra-Osseous Calcification in the Rat
Clin Sci (Lond) (1981) 61 (5): 621–626.
Effect of Exercise on Protein Turnover in Man
M. J. Rennie; R. H. T. Edwards; S. Krywawych; C. T. M. Davies; D. Halliday; J. C. Waterlow; D. J. Millward
Clin Sci (Lond) (1981) 61 (5): 627–639.
Role of Prostaglandins in Bile Salt-Induced Changes in Rat Colonic Structure and Function
Clin Sci (Lond) (1981) 61 (5): 641–648.
Short Communication
Associations between Sex Hormones, Thyroid Hormones and Lipoproteins
Clin Sci (Lond) (1981) 61 (5): 649–651.