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March 1993
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ISSN 0143-5221
EISSN 1470-8736
Medical Raearch Society Meeting 5 and 6 November 1992
Genetic and Environmental Influences on Major Risk factors for Ischaemic Heart Disease in Twins Discordant for Insulin Dependent Diabetes
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 1P.
Second Messenger Regulation of Basolateral K+ Channels in Isolated Human Colonic Crypts
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 1P.
The Role of Cytosolic Calcium ([Ca2+]i) in the Inhibition of Neutrophil Apoptosis in vitro
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 2P.
DNA Variants at the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene Locus Associate with Severity of Atherosclerosis and Serum Lipoprotein Levels in a Welsh Population
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 2P.
Intraindividual Prediction of Plasma Cholesterol from Glycated Haemoglobin: Relationship to Body Mass Index
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 2P.
Increased Expression of Glomerular Interleukin-1β and Interleukin-1 Receptor antagonist Messenger RNA in Experimental Glomerulonephritis
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 3P.
Amino Terminal Sequence Identification of five type IV Collagen Chains in Human Glomerular Basement Membrane Separated by 2D Electrophoresis
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 3P.
Isolation of Novel Markers of Differentiated and Proliferating Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 3P.
Detection of Respiratory Syncytial Virus RNA in Serum during first Infections in Human Infants
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 3P–4P.
Non-Toxic Inhibition of Proliferation of a Human Colonic Carcinoma Cell Line (HT-29) by Agaricus Bisporus (Edible Mushroom) Lectin
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 4P.
The Effect of Topically Applied Tissue Plasminogen Activator on Venous Fibrinolytic Activity in-vitro
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 4P.
Regulation of Kupffer cell Activation and Cytokine gene Expression by Endotoxin and Aging
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 4P–5P.
Demonstration of Natriuretic Peptide Receptor mRNAs in the Rat Kidney using Non-Radioactive in situ Hybridization
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 5P.
Calcium Channel Blockers Abrogate the Effect of Recombinant Insulin-Like Growth Factor-1 on Human Platelet Aggregation
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 6P.
T Cell Responses after oral Immunisation of Humans with Cholera Toxin B Subunit
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 6P–7P.
Dietary Fat and Protein Metabolism in Lipoprotein Lipase Deficiency
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 7P.
Inhibition of Plasma Lipid Peroxidation by High Monounsaturated and Polyunsaturated Fat Diets in Healthy Subjects
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 7P.
Free Radicals, Antioxidants and Endothelial cell Damage following PTCA
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 8P.
The Effect of High Sodium Intake on Bone Mineral Content in Rats fed Normal Calcium or low Calcium Diet
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 8P–9P.
64Copper Metabolism in two Patients with Nonwilsonian Low Copper Movement Disorders
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 9P.
Resting Antioxidant Levels and the Assessment of Regional free Radical Activity within the Heart and Great Vessels
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 9P–10P.
Effects of free Radicals on Calcium Currents in Single Guinea-Pig Ventricular Myocytes
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 10P.
Protein Synthesis in the Small Intestine Seromuscular Layer is Insensitive to Re-Feeding
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 10P.
The Acute Effects of Ethanol on the Synthesis of Mitochondrial Proteins in the Rat Heart In vivo
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 10P.
Localization of Prostaglandin G/H Synthase Gene Expression in rat Brain by in situ Hybridization
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 11P.
Estrogen Regulation of Vitamin D Mediated Calcium Absorption in Female Rat Duodenum
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 11P.
High Antioxidant Vitamin Intake on Mediterranean Diet Inhibits Peroxidation of Serum Lipoproteins
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 11P–12P.
Association between Degree of B2 Microglobulinuria and Long term Outcome following Curative Surgery of Primary Hyperparathyroidism
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 12P.
Activation of Human Neutrophils (PMN) by Tamm Horsfall Protein (THP) is Mediated by a Specific Cell Surface Receptor
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 12P–13P.
The Neutrophil or the Endothelium, which is Important in the Pathogenesis of Reperfusion Injury?
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 13P.
A New Judkins Doppler Angiographic Catheter for the Measurement of Coronary Flow Reserve
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 13P.
Dissociation between Recovery of pHi and Contraction Following Acid Loading in Perfused Heart
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 15P.
Na+-H+ Antiport and Na+/HCO3− Co-Influx in Recovery from Intracellular Acidosis in Perfused Heart
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 15P–16P.
β-Adrenoceptor Density and Distribution in the Chronically Failing Transplanted Human Heart
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 16P.
The Potential impact of Patient self Referral on Mortality in Acute Myocardial Infarction
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 16P.
An Analysis of Heart Rate Variability in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 16P.
Upregulation of Na+, K+ ATPase in Tissues of rats treated Chronically with digoxin
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 16P–17P.
Importance of Appropriate Antibody Targeting of Fibrinolytic Agents for Enhanced Antitrombotic Efficacy in an in-vivo Model of Thrombosis
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 17P.
Effect of Warfarin and Aspirin Therapy on Plasma Fibrinogen and Fibrin d-Dimer levels in Patients with chronic Atrial Fibrillation
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 17P.
Late Potentials in Dilated Cardiomyopathy: Correlation with Myocardial Fibrosis
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 17P–18P.
Enteroviral Serology in Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy: A Matched Case Control Study
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 18P.
Abnormal Autonomic Modulation of QT Interval in Patients with Idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia Associated with “Clinically Normal Hearts”
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 18P.
Are Lysosomal Enzyme Involved in Mediating acute and Chronic Ethanol Cardiotoxicity?
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 18P–19P.
Left Ventricular Diastolic Function in Chronic Heart Failure
J Nolan; K Groundstroem; P M Warren; N E Goodfield; F Taddei; J Hannan; G R Sutherland; P Bloomfield
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 19P.
Short and Long Term Stability of Time Domain Measurement of Cardiac Parasympathetic Activity from 24 Hour Ambulatory Electrocardiograms
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 19P.
Probucol Inhibits Neo-Intimal Thickening and MaCrophage Accumulation following Balloon injury in the Cholesterol-Fed Rabbit
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 19P.
Rapid Restoration of the Endothelial Cell Monolayer Reduces Thrombogenicity following Angioplasty
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 19P–20P.
Assessment of the diagnostic Value of Head-Up Tilt Testing in the Evaluation of Syncope in Patients with Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 20P.
Aberrant Growth Control of Human Vascular Smooth Muscle: A Possible Mechanism for Restenosis
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 20P–21P.
The “Cardioprotectiveness” of Anti-Ischaemic Medication: From Concept to Clinical Measurement
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 21P–22P.
Late Potentials on the day of Admission Predict Subsequent Ventricular Dilatation following Myocardial Infarction
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 22P.
Enoximone in Chronic Stable Angina: A Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Crossover Trial
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 22P.
Unsatisfactory Lipid Status in Patients with Coronary Disease Undergoing Coronary Angiography
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 22P.
Detection of Ischaemic Myocardial Damage during Balloon Coronary Angioplasty: Role of Creatine Kinase MB Isoform Ratios
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 23P.
Subclinical Myocardial Damage Revealed by CK-MB2 Isoform Release in Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 23P.
Clinical and Prognostic Usefulness of Creatine (CK) MB Isoforms in Idiopathic Dilated Cardiomyopathy
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 23P.
Directional Coronary Atherectomy: Clinical Results, Complications and Histopathological Findings of Atheromatous Specimens
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 24P.
Whole Kidney Glutathione-S-Transferase Activity following Ischaemia-Reperfusion Injury in the Rat
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 24P.
Modulation of Glomerular Prostanoid Production by Angiotensin Converting Enzyme (ACE) Inhibitors in Normotensive (WKY) Rats
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 24P.
Changes in Oxygenation Status in Renal Ischaemia, Monitored using near Infra-Red Spectroscopy (NIR(S))
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 24P–25P.
Severity of Atherosclerosis; Associations with serum lipoproteins and alleles of the Lipoprotein Lipase Gene
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 25P.
The Relationship of Serum Silicon to Aluminium in Patients on Regular Haemodialysis Treatment
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 26P.
Dysfunction of the Ermhrocme Sodium-Lithium Countertransporter in Black Normotensive Subjects
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 26P.
Characterization of the Erythrocyte Sodium-Lithium Countertransporter (SLC) by Traditional and Kinetic Methodologies
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 26P–27P.
The Effect of Long Term Salt Intake on Na+, K+ ATPase Activity in the Rat
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 27P.
Serum Sialic Acid in Patients with Hypertriglyceridaemia Showing the Frederickson's 11B Phenotype
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 27P.
Evidence of Increased Fibrinolytic Activity in the Intima of Atherosclerotic Arteries
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 27P–28P.
Amelioration of left Ventricular Hypertrophy with the Novel Calcium Channel Antagonist, Amlodipine
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 28P–29P.
Endothelium-Dependent Vasodilation is Impaired in Forearm Resistance Vessels of Humans with Hypercholesterolaemia
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 29P.
Sodium and Potassium Concentrations in Urine can Influence Micturition Volume in Humans
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 30P.
Pretreatment with a Nitric Oxide Inhibitor Reduces Infarct size in both the in vivo and the in vitro Rabbit Heart
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 30P.
Effects of Cyclosporin a on Lipid Metabolism following Liver Transplantation in Man
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 30P–31P.
Relaxation of Small Renal Arteries in Hypoxia: Reduced Relaxation in Chronically Hypoxic Compared with Normal Rats
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 31P.
Cytochemically Identifiable Hypothalamic Substance in Hypertension
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 31P.
Enzyme Release and Cellular Morphology of Renal Epithelial Cells following X-Ray Contrast Media Exposure
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 32P.
Cyclosporin Increases Blood Pressure Acutely and before there is any Sodium Retention
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 32P.
Plasma Membrane Phosphatidate Phosphohydrolase: A Role in Liver Fibrosis
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 33P.
Activity of the Metabolic form of Phosphatidate Phosphohydrolase Determines Individual Susceptibility to Alcoholic Fatty Liver
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 33P.
Localization of Gastroenteropancreatic Tumours using the Indium-Labelled Somatostatin Analogue, Pentetreotide
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 33P–34P.
Glucose-Stimulated Neuropeptide Y Secretion from Pancreatic Islets is 7-Fold Increased by Prior Dexamethasone Treatment
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 34P.
Monocytes in Crohn's Disease: Single Cell Lysozyme Production, Superoxide and Chemiluminescence
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 35P.
Is Nitric Oxide Mediated Tonic Neural Inhibition of Distal Colonic Circular Smooth Muscle Regulated by ATP, VIP or GABA?
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 35P–36P.
Small Intestinal Permeability in the Different Racial Groups Resident in West Birmingham
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 36P.
Does Peri-Operatively Increasing Oxygen Delivery Reduce Mortality in Surgical Patients?
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 36P.
Airways Disease in not Associated with Alpha-One Anti-Trypsin Deficiency in Rheumatoid Arthritis
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 37P.
Assessment of Exercise Capacity in Chronic Heart Failure — Exercise Time, Anaerobic Threshold or Peak Oxygen Consumption?
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 37P–38P.
Withholding Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR). Regional Survey in General and Geriatric Medicine
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 38P.
Diurnal Rhythms in Ciliary Beat Frequency (CBF) of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cells (HBEC), in vitro
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 39P.
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)-Induced Increase in Permeability and Synthesis of GM-CSF and IL-8, in Human Bronchial Epithelial Cell Cultures (HBEC)
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 39P.
Histamine (H) does not Affect Permeability of Human Bronchial Epithelial Cell Cultures (HBEC), in vitro
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 40P.
Falls in Cardiac Output with Chest Hyperinflation are Related to Tidal Volumes Rather than Peak Inspiratory Pressures Generated
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 40P.
Role of Cardiorespiratory Abnormalities and Dive Characteristics in the Manifestation of Neurological Decompression Illness
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 40P.
The Effects of Acute and Chronic Hypoxia on the Pattern of Secretion of Erythropoietin in Elderly Men
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 40P–41P.
Perceptual Response to Progressive Hypoxia and Hypercapnia with and without Inspiratory Loading
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 41P.
Insulin Impairs Noradrenaline-Induced Contractility of Isolated Resistance Arteries from Healthy Controls
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 42P.
The Stimulatory Effects of Paracrine Factors on 17-Beta Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Activity are Blocked by tamoxifen
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 43P.
A 3–4 Year Prospective Study of Patients with Painful Diabetic Neuropathy — The Influence of Peripheral Vascular Disease
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 43P.
The Effect of Growth Hormone Therapy on Leucine Metabolism in Hypopituitary Adults
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 43P.
Effect of the Anti-Cachectic Drug Megestrol Acetate on Food Intake and Hypothalamic Neuropeptide Y Levels in Female Rats
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 43P–44P.
Alterations in Neuropeptide Y Levels in the Hypothalamus of the Rat following Treatment with Methysergide
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 44P.
Effects of Chronic Nicotine Administration on Hypothalamic Neuropeptide Y Levels in the Rat
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 44P.
Neuropeptide Y Concentrations in Cerebrospinal Fluid are Unchanged in Obesity
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 44P.
Acute Cold Exposure Increases Neuropeptide Y Levels in Specific Regions of the Rat Hypothalamus which Regulate Energy Balance
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 44P–45P.
Erythrocyte Sodium-Lithium Countertransport (SLC) Activity in Identical Twins Concordant for Insulin-Dependent Diabetes (IDDM)
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 45P.
Mode of Digest Release into the Magnetic Field Significantly Affects Immunomagnetic Islet Purification
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 45P.
Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis Function in Patients with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS)
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 46P.
Impaired Maximal Hyperaemic Response in the Feet of Non-Insulin Dependent Diabetic Patients
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 46P.
Smoking Habit and Microvascular Complications in Young Patients with Insulin-Dependent Diabetes: A 6-Year Follow-Up Study
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (s28): 46P.