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Keywords: C-reactive protein (CRP)
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Clin Sci (Lond) (2014) 126 (9): 645–659.
Published: 14 January 2014
... a mechanism of impairing the G 1 /S transition. • Importantly, finding of a blockade of CRP signalling capable of preventing AKI in CRP Tg mice is clinically significant and suggests that targeting CRP may offer a new therapy for AKI. acute kidney injury (AKI) C-reactive protein (CRP) G 1 /S...
Includes: Supplementary data
Clin Sci (Lond) (2008) 115 (10): 317–326.
Published: 15 October 2008
...-reactive protein (CRP) ‘Fetal programming’ or the ‘hypothesis of fetal origin of adult diseases’ suggests that stimuli or injuries that occur during the critical periods of development may permanently modify the structure, physiology or metabolism of some organs, with smaller newborns consequently...
Clin Sci (Lond) (2007) 113 (2): 79–81.
Published: 13 June 2007
... indicate that low-grade inflammatory activity might influence cytokine production in these patients. © The Authors Journal compilation © 2007 Biochemical Society 2007 C-reactive protein (CRP) cytokine inflammation insulin resistance interleukin lipopolysaccharide Type 2 diabetes...
Clin Sci (Lond) (2007) 112 (11): 543–555.
Published: 01 May 2007
...-reactive protein (CRP) cytokine exercise inflammation vascular wall It is well established that physically fit individuals have a reduced risk of developing CVD (cardiovascular disease) and other age-related chronic disorders [ 1 ]. However, the mechanisms responsible for the protective effects...
Clin Sci (Lond) (2007) 112 (8): 449–456.
Published: 13 March 2007
...-reactive protein (CRP) heart rate variability inflammation stress Vagal efferent control of HR (heart rate) is an important index of adaptive neurocardiac regulation. Among patients with CAD (coronary artery disease), vagal HR control is well known to exert a cardioprotective effect [ 1...
Clin Sci (Lond) (2007) 112 (5): 305–314.
Published: 01 February 2007
... The Biochemical Society 2007 C-reactive protein (CRP) cytokine interleukin musculoskeletal disorder overuse injury tumour necrosis factor (TNF) upper-body musculoskeletal assessment Despite epidemiological evidence linking the onset and severity of MSDs to repetitive and forceful tasks [ 2 , 3...
Clin Sci (Lond) (2005) 108 (6): 493–495.
Published: 24 May 2005
... that can be inhibited by pitavastatin. Correspondence: Dr Subodh Verma (email [email protected] ). 15 3 2005 22 3 2005 30 3 2005 30 3 2005 The Biochemical Society 2005 atherosclerosis C-reactive protein (CRP) interleukin-8 mitogen-activated protein kinase...
Clin Sci (Lond) (2004) 106 (5): 443–445.
Published: 01 May 2004
... (e-mail [email protected] ). 19 1 2004 26 1 2004 26 1 2004 © 2004 The Biochemical Society 2004 C-reactive protein (CRP) cytokine endothelial function inflammation serum secretory non-pancreatic type II phospholipase A2 (sPLA2) Clinical Science (2004) 106...