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Keywords: early diastole
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Clin Sci (Lond) (2003) 105 (4): 395–397.
Published: 01 October 2003
... diastolic function early diastole echocardiography long-axis function mitral annulus Clinical Science (2003) 105, 395 397 (Printed in Great Britain) 395 C O M M E N T Search for non-invasive load-independent indices of left ventricular relaxation A B S T R A C T Echocardiography is an invaluable tool...
Clin Sci (Lond) (2003) 105 (4): 499–506.
Published: 01 October 2003
...Richard J. GRAHAM; John S. GELMAN; Lesley DONELAN; Philip M. MOTTRAM; Roger E. PEVERILL Assessment of mitral annular motion diastolic velocities by M-mode or tissue Doppler imaging and the propagation velocity of early diastolic filling ( V p ) by colour M-mode have been proposed as preload...