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Clin Sci (Lond) (2008) 115 (12): 371–378.
Published: 12 November 2008
...Dan Berndtson; Joel Olsson; Robert G. Hahn High-dose intravenous infusion of 5% glucose promotes rebound hypoglycaemia and hypovolaemia in healthy volunteers. To study whether such effects occur in response to glucose/insulin, 12 healthy firemen (mean age, 39 years) received three infusions over 1...
Clin Sci (Lond) (2005) 108 (2): 113–119.
Published: 21 January 2005
...) compared with placebo, followed by insulin-induced hypoglycaemia [0.15 IU (international unit)/kg of body weight; intravenous bolus] on two study days 1 week apart. From baseline to the end of hypoglycaemia (170 min), the sympatho-adrenal reactivity was mapped by invasive continuous blood pressure...
Clin Sci (Lond) (2001) 100 (6): 619–626.
Published: 08 May 2001
...G. OWEN; J. WATSON; A. MCGOWN; S. SHARMA; I. DEARY; D. KERR; G. BARRETT Full-field visual evoked potentials and visual information processing were measured in 16 normal, healthy subjects during a hyperinsulinaemic clamp. A randomized cross-over design was used across three conditions: hypoglycaemia...
Clin Sci (Lond) (2000) 99 (5): 351–362.
Published: 03 October 2000
...Pietro GALASSETTI; Stephen N. DAVIS We examined and compared findings from studies aimed at detecting and quantifying an effect of insulin per se on counter-regulatory responses to hypoglycaemia. The experimental protocols used in many of these studies were very different with regard to study...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1998) 95 (3): 317–323.
Published: 01 September 1998
... may affect both the frequency and the severity of insulin-induced hypoglycaemia. 2. In 10 patients with Type I diabetes, during the third trimester of pregnancy and 5 to 13 months after delivery, hypoglycaemia was induced by the hyperinsulinaemic hypoglycaemic clamp technique. A constant high-dose...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1998) 94 (2): 157–163.
Published: 01 February 1998
...P. King; M.-F. Kong; H. Parkin; I. A. MacDonald; C. Barber; R. B. Tattersall 1. Intravenous lactate prevents cerebral dysfunction during hypoglycaemia in healthy volunteers. This study examines whether this also occurs in insulin-dependent diabetes. Changes in four-choice reaction time, auditory...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1994) 87 (2): 193–199.
Published: 01 August 1994
...D. G. Maggs; I. A. Macdonald 1. Insulin-induced hypoglycaemia is characterized by an autonomic disturbance which produces some of the symptoms of hypoglycaemia. How an additional autonomic stress like postural change may alter physiological responses and symptoms of hypoglycaemia is not known...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 85 (1): 101–104.
Published: 01 July 1993
...D. A. Hepburn; C. V. Clark; A. C. H. Pell; B. McIver; B. M. Frier 1. The changes in the volume and depth of the anterior chamber of the eye during acute insulin-induced hypoglycaemia were examined in nine healthy non-diabetic subjects (aged 23–31 years). The dimensions of the anterior chamber...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (2): 193–199.
Published: 01 February 1993
...G. D. Braatvedt; A. Stanners; P. G. Newrick; M. Halliwell; R. J. M. Corrall 1. Previous studies have suggested that glucagon in supraphysiological doses may mediate postprandial and hypoglycaemia-induced splanchnic vasodilatation in man and experimental animals. There are no reported studies...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 84 (2): 201–207.
Published: 01 February 1993
... adrenaline β-adrenoceptor blockade Doppler ultrasound hypoglycaemia splanchnic blood flow Clinical Science (1993) 84, 201-207 (Printed in Great Britain) 20 I Splanchnic blood flow in man: evidence for mediation via a /3-adrenergic mechanism G. D. BRAATVEDT, M. D. FLYNN, A. STANNERS, M. HALLIWELL...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1992) 82 (6): 615–618.
Published: 01 June 1992
...J. Åman; C. Berne; U. Ewald; T. Tuvemo 1. A marked cutaneous vasodilatation has been shown to occur in healthy subjects, but not in insulin-dependent diabetic patients, in response to hypoglycaemia induced by a rapid intravenous bolus injection of insulin. 2. In the present study cutaneous blood...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1992) 82 (1): 63–70.
Published: 01 January 1992
...S. Pukrittayakamee; N.J. White; T. M. E. Davis; S. Looareesuwan; W. Supanaranond; V. Desakorn; B. Chaivisuth; D. H. Williamson 1. Hypoglycaemia and lactic acidosis are important manifestations of severe falciparum malaria. To investigate hepatic gluconeogenesis in acute falciparum malaria, liver...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1991) 81 (s25): 519–524.
Published: 01 October 1991
...G. D. Braatvedt; P. G. Newrick; M. Halliwell; P. N. T. Wells; A. E. Read; R. J. M. Corrall 1. Splanchnic haemodynamic changes were studied in seven healthy subjects during hypoglycaemia induced by the intravenous infusion of insulin. Superior mesenteric artery blood flow and cardiac output were...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1991) 81 (2): 281–285.
Published: 01 August 1991
... that hypoglycaemia is associated with accelerated gastric emptying despite an apparently increased basal pyloric pressure. 2. To determine the effects of hypoglycaemia on pyloric motility, we compared the effects of an intravenous injection of insulin (0.15 units/kg) with those of a placebo injection of saline...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1991) 80 (6): 583–586.
Published: 01 June 1991
...Irl B. Hirsch; Simon R. Heller; Philip E. Cryer 1. To test the hypothesis that patients with insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus perceive the symptoms of hypoglycaemia to a greater extent when they are in the standing position than when they are in the lying position, we assessed symptoms...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1990) 78 (5): 469–474.
Published: 01 May 1990
...B. M. Fisher; G. Gillen; D. A. Hepburn; H. J. Dargie; E. Barnett; B. M. Frier 1. The effects of acute hypoglycaemia on the spleen were examined in normal humans using radioisotopic techniques, complemented by ultrasonic examination of the spleen. Hypoglycaemia had a modest effect on splenic area...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1989) 76 (2): 137–141.
Published: 01 February 1989
... Society and the Medical Research Society 1989 chloroquine diabetes glycated haemoglobin hypoglycaemia immunoreactive insulin streptozotocin Clinical Science (1989) 76, 137-141 Attenuation of streptozotocin-induced diabetes in rats by pretreatment with chloroquine KOJO A. ASAMOAH, BRIAN L...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1985) 69 (6): 673–679.
Published: 01 December 1985
...R. A. Harrad; C. S. Cockram; A. P. Plumb; S. Stone; P. Fenwick; P. H. Söunksen 1. Disturbance of vision commonly accompanies hypoglycaemia. This study was designed to investigate the nature of the visual disturbance, the blood glucose threshold at which the disturbance occurred...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1982) 63 (3): 301–310.
Published: 01 September 1982
...I. A. Macdonald; T. Bennett; E. A. M. Gale; J. Hilary Green; S. Walford 1. The effects of metoprolol and propranolol on heat production and body temperature have been studied in six male subjects during insulin-induced hypoglycaemia in a thermoneutral environment. Hypoglycaemia was induced...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1981) 61 (4): 463–469.
Published: 01 October 1981
...E. A. M. Gale; T. Bennett; J. Hilary Green; I. A. MacDonald 1. The present experiments were designed to elucidate the reasons for the fall in central body temperature during hypoglycaemia. 2. The first experiment was carried out at a room temperature of 25 °C on 11 male subjects. Hypoglycaemia...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1981) 61 (2): 245–247.
Published: 01 August 1981
... to acute insulin-induced hypoglycaemia (0.15 unit/kg). 2. After hypoglycaemia, a pronounced rise in plasma noradrenaline was observed in the normal subjects but was absent in the tetraplegic group; plasma renin activity increased markedly in both groups. 3. It is concluded that the stimulation of renin...
Clin Sci Mol Med (1974) 47 (5): 461–470.
Published: 01 November 1974
...W. G. Middleton; E. B. French 1. The response of hand blood flow to acute insulin-induced hypoglycaemia was measured in normal subjects in whom vasomotor tone had been released physiologically by body heating, anatomically by unilateral nerve block and pharmacologically by unilateral intra-arterial...