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Clin Sci (Lond) (2003) 105 (2): 227–234.
Published: 01 August 2003
... indicator-dilution technique mathematical modelling peptide pharmacology Clinical Science (2003) 105, 227 234 (Printed in Great Britain) 227 Reduction in hepatic endothelin-1 clearance in cirrhosis Anh Thu TRAN DUC , Andreas J. SCHWAB , Andre´ SIMARD , Louis VILLENEUVE and Jocelyn DUPUIS *Research...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1994) 86 (3): 317–322.
Published: 01 March 1994
... Research. All subjects gave their written informed consent. Key words: euglycaemic clamp technique, glucore tolerance test. heart failure, insulin, insulin resistance, mathematical modelling. Abbreviation: I V G l l , intravenous glucose tolerance test. Correspondence: Dr 1. W. Swan, The Wynn Institute, 21...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1992) 82 (2): 211–217.
Published: 01 February 1992
... insulin and glucagon resistance could be due to receptor down-regulation resulting from hypersecretion of insulin and glucagon. 7 10 1991 11 10 1991 © 1992 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society 1992 danazol glucagon insulin resistance mathematical modelling...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1986) 71 (6): 665–673.
Published: 01 December 1986
... anabolic steroids insulin resistance insulin secretion intravenous glucose tolerance testing mathematical modelling ClinicalScience(1986) 71,665-673 665 Insulin action and dynamics modelled in patients taking the anabolic steroid methandienone (Dianabol) I. F. GODSLAND, N. M. SHENNAN AND V. WYNN...
Clin Sci Mol Med (1978) 55 (3): 225–230.
Published: 01 September 1978
... and the Medical Research Society 1978 calcium metabolism deconvolution mathematical modelling radioisotopes tracers Clinical Science and Molecular Medicine (1978) 55,225-230 EDITORIAL RE VIEW Problems in the analysis of dynamic tracer studies J . R E E V E , N . V E A L L A N D R . W O O T T O N...