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Clin Sci (Lond) (1990) 78 (4): 383–389.
Published: 01 April 1990
... measurements singly or in combination were most useful in the detection of osteomalacia. 2. Bone biopsies were performed in 45 of 48 patients considered to be at risk of osteomalacia. Of the 39 quantifiable bone biopsies, nine showed unequivocal osteomalacia, 13 were judged to be borderline and 17 biopsies...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1987) 73 (2): 227–234.
Published: 01 August 1987
... chronic haemodialysis, all having aluminium deposits in bone. Eight patients had osteomalacia, five had an ‘aplastic’ bone lesion and three a high bone turnover with a marked increase in osteoid volume. 2. Deferoxamine was administered intravenously once a week at doses ranging from 1 to 6 g for a mean...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1984) 67 (5): 505–509.
Published: 01 November 1984
... magnetic resonance spectroscopy osteomalacia phosphate Clinical Science (1984) 61, 505-509 505 Hypophosphataemic osteomalacia and myopathy : studies with nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy R. SMITH, R. J. NEWMAN G. K. RADDAS, M. STOKES A N D A. YOUNG NuffieId Orthopedic Centre, *Nuffild...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1982) 63 (6): 577–580.
Published: 01 December 1982
... the summer months results in the low serum concentrations seen in Asian immigrants. 25 6 1982 20 7 1982 © 1994 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society 1994 Asian immigrants hydroxycholecalciferol osteomalacia rickets vitamin D deficiency Clinical Science (1982...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1980) 58 (3): 235–242.
Published: 01 March 1980
... during whole-body irradiation may originate from vitamin D synthesized during the first few exposures. 15 6 1979 14 11 1979 © 1980 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society 1980 osteomalacia skin ultraviolet irradiation vitamin D Clinical Science (1980) 58.235...
Clin Sci Mol Med (1977) 52 (5): 499–508.
Published: 01 May 1977
...J. B. Eastwood; T. C. B. Stamp; H. E. De Wardener; P. J. Bordier; C. D. Arnaud 1. Five patients with the osteomalacia of chronic renal failure were given 50–100 nmol of 25-hydroxy vitamin D 3 intravenously per day for 24–28 days. 2. In all five patients, during administration of 25-hydroxy vitamin...
Clin Sci (1972) 43 (6): 789–797.
Published: 01 December 1972
... device attached to a digital computer. 2. Areas of uncalcified osteoid are quantified by visual inspection during photography and the skeletal lesions of hyperparathyroidism are assessed semi-quantitatively. 3. This system makes it possible to define osteoporosis and osteomalacia according...