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Keywords: pre-eclampsia
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Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2016) 130 (14): 1179–1184.
Published: 01 June 2016
... production of mitochondrial ROS is intrinsically linked to mitochondrial dysfunction. Furthermore, mitochondrial dysfunction is a key facilitator of oxidative stress, inflammation, apoptosis and metabolism. These are key pathogenic intermediaries of pre-eclampsia, hence we hypothesize that mitochondrial...
Wan N. Wan Sulaiman, Muriel J. Caslake, Christian Delles, Helen Karlsson, Monique T. Mulder, Delyth Graham, Dilys J. Freeman
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2016) 130 (7): 491–497.
Published: 17 February 2016
... possibility that new HDL of improved function is synthesized around the time of the establishment of the feto-placental circulation. In obese pregnancy and, to a greater extent, in pre-eclampsia, plasma HDL levels are significantly decreased and maternal vascular function is reduced. Wire myography studies...
Piyali Chatterjee, Valorie L. Chiasson, Lena Pinzur, Shani Raveh, Eytan Abraham, Kathleen A. Jones, Kelsey R. Bounds, Racheli Ofir, Liat Flaishon, Ayelet Chajut, Brett M. Mitchell
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2016) 130 (7): 513–523.
Published: 17 February 2016
...Piyali Chatterjee; Valorie L. Chiasson; Lena Pinzur; Shani Raveh; Eytan Abraham; Kathleen A. Jones; Kelsey R. Bounds; Racheli Ofir; Liat Flaishon; Ayelet Chajut; Brett M. Mitchell Pre-eclampsia, the development of hypertension and proteinuria or end-organ damage during pregnancy, is a leading cause...
Includes: Supplementary data
The renin–angiotensin–aldosterone system in pre-eclampsia: the delicate balance between good and bad
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2014) 126 (8): 537–544.
Published: 17 December 2013
... in pre-eclampsia. However, animal models displaying excessive RAAS activation also result in a pre-eclampsia-like syndrome, and the aldosterone/renin ratio is elevated in pre-eclampsia compared with a normal pregnancy. New insights into the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia have revealed a major role...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2013) 124 (1): 27–40.
Published: 07 September 2012
...Pengfei Li; Wei Guo; Leilei Du; Junli Zhao; Yaping Wang; Liu Liu; Yali Hu; Yayi Hou PE (pre-eclampsia), a pregnancy-specific disorder, is characterized by increased trophoblast cell death and deficient trophoblast invasion and reduced trophoblast-mediated remodelling of spiral arteries. The present...
Includes: Supplementary data
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2012) 123 (7): 429–435.
Published: 07 June 2012
... and mitochondria. mtDNA may be the trigger of systemic inflammation in pathologies associated with abnormal cell death. PE (pre-eclampsia) is a hypertensive disorder of pregnancy with devastating maternal and fetal consequences. The aetiology of PE is unknown and removal of the placenta is the only effective cure...
Esther F. Davis, Laura Newton, Adam J. Lewandowski, Merzaka Lazdam, Brenda A. Kelly, Theodosios Kyriakou, Paul Leeson
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2012) 123 (2): 53–72.
Published: 23 March 2012
...Esther F. Davis; Laura Newton; Adam J. Lewandowski; Merzaka Lazdam; Brenda A. Kelly; Theodosios Kyriakou; Paul Leeson Pre-eclampsia is increasingly recognized as more than an isolated disease of pregnancy. Women who have had a pregnancy complicated by pre-eclampsia have a 4-fold increased risk...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2009) 116 (12): 871.
Published: 14 May 2009
... testing for serum VEGF levels. A small programme could be conducted to verify that increased serum 25(OH)D during pregnancy increases VEGF and reduces the risk of pre-eclampsia. Other benefits, such as reduced risk of maternal infectious disease and a healthier infant at time of delivery, could also...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2009) 116 (3): 265–272.
Published: 08 January 2009
...Victoria L. Bills; Julia Varet; Ann Millar; Steven J. Harper; Peter W. Soothill; David O. Bates Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy-related condition characterized by hypertension, proteinuria and endothelial dysfunction. VEGF 165 b, formed by alternative splicing of VEGF (vascular endothelial growth...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2009) 116 (3): 231–232.
Published: 08 January 2009
...Holger Stepan Pre-eclampsia, a pregnancy complication characterized by hypertension and proteinuria, is still a major cause of neonatal and maternal mortality, and acute and long-term morbidities for both mother and neonate. There is mounting evidence that an imbalance between angiogenic factors...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2008) 115 (7): 219–224.
Published: 03 September 2008
...Makrina D. Savvidou; Alexandros Sotiriadis; Christine Kaihura; Kypros H. Nicolaides; Naveed Sattar Adiponectin and leptin, two adipose-tissue-derived proteins, have been reported to be elevated in women with established PE (pre-eclampsia). The aim of the present study was to investigate whether...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2006) 111 (1): 81–86.
Published: 14 June 2006
...Brigitte Leeners; Werner Rath; Sabine Kuse; Claudia Irawan; Bruno Imthurn; Peruka Neumaier-Wagner HDP (hypertensive diseases in pregnancy) are one of the leading causes of maternal and fetal mortality and morbidity. BMI (body mass index) is an established risk factor for pre-eclampsia, but its role...
David O. Bates, Philip P. MacMillan, Joseph G. Manjaly, Yan Qiu, Sarah J. Hudson, Heather S. Bevan, Alyson J. Hunter, Peter W. Soothill, Michael Read, Lucy F. Donaldson, Steven J. Harper
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2006) 110 (5): 575–585.
Published: 11 April 2006
... alteration in splicing of VEGF–VEGFR family members extended beyond VEGFR1, we investigated the effect of pre-eclampsia on placental VEGF xxx b mRNA and protein expression. VEGF xxx and VEGF xxx b mRNA and protein were both found in normal human term placentae. VEGF xxx protein formed the majority...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2006) 110 (4): 443–458.
Published: 15 March 2006
...Sally Chappell; Linda Morgan Pre-eclampsia and its related syndromes are significant causes of maternal and fetal death, but much remains unclear about the underlying disease mechanisms. Epidemiological research has consistently demonstrated a familial predisposition to pre-eclampsia, which has...
Includes: Supplementary data
Theodoros Maltaris, Fortunato Scalera, Dietmar Schlembach, Inge Hoffmann, Andreas Mueller, Helge Binder, Tamme Goecke, Torsten Hothorn, Ralf L. Schild, Matthias W. Beckmann, Ralf Dittrich
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2005) 109 (2): 209–215.
Published: 25 July 2005
... significant vasoconstrictive and oxytocic effects compared with serum from HP women. In pre-eclampsia, the balance between vasorelaxing and vasoactive substances is disturbed. Correspondence: Dr Ralf Dittrich (email [email protected] ). 29 11 2004 18 4 2005 28 4...
Jenny MYERS, Rachel IRVINE, Joanna GILLHAM, Maureen MACLEOD, Gary MIRES, Michael TAGGART, Philip BAKER
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2005) 108 (5): 457–462.
Published: 22 April 2005
...Jenny MYERS; Rachel IRVINE; Joanna GILLHAM; Maureen MACLEOD; Gary MIRES; Michael TAGGART; Philip BAKER In order to facilitate characterization of the circulating factor(s) in pre-eclampsia, the present study aimed to determine whether plasma from women with pre-eclampsia, which induces attenuated...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2005) 108 (1): 81–84.
Published: 15 December 2004
...Danqing CHEN; Minyue DONG; Qin FANG; Jing HE; Zhengping WANG; Xiaofu YANG Resistin is expressed in human placenta and has been postulated to play a role in regulating energy metabolism in pregnancy. However, changes in serum resistin levels in normal pregnancy and in the setting of pre-eclampsia...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2004) 107 (4): 407–413.
Published: 24 September 2004
...) relationship, however, has not been studied in pre-eclampsia, a condition where hypertension is spontaneously reversible. Twelve normotensive pregnant women and 12 patients with pre-eclampsia matched for maternal age and week of gestation were studied in the third trimester and 3 months postpartum. Carotid...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2004) 107 (4): 399–405.
Published: 24 September 2004
...Christopher R. NEAL; Alyson J. HUNTER; Steven J. HARPER; Peter W. SOOTHILL; David O. BATES Pre-eclampsia results in oedema, hypertension and proteinuria, and is associated with increased vascular permeability. A number of studies have pointed to the existence of a circulating macromolecule...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2004) 106 (5): 449–450.
Published: 01 May 2004
...Annemarie HENNESSY One of the fundamental issues in pre-eclampsia (hypertension in pregnancy) research is to find serum proteins that can act as markers of disease predisposition, remote disease onset, imminent disease onset or disease activity at the height of its destructive powers. We make...
Timothy C. R. PRICKETT, Risto J. KAAJA, M. Gary NICHOLLS, Eric A. ESPINER, A. Mark RICHARDS, Timothy G. YANDLE
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2004) 106 (5): 535–540.
Published: 01 May 2004
... interaction ( F =5.8, P =0.025) between the source (maternal or fetal) and gestational group (normotensive or pre-eclamptic). Maternal NT-proCNP levels were raised in the pre-eclampsia group, whereas the converse was observed in umbilical cord blood. In conclusion, the greatly elevated ratio of NT-proCNP/CNP...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2004) 106 (4): 377–382.
Published: 01 April 2004
...M. W. AARDEMA; M. C. S. SARO; M. LANDER; B. T. H. M. DE WOLF; H. OOSTERHOF; J. G. AARNOUDSE The ‘classical’ concept that pregnancy-induced hypertension (PIH) and pre-eclampsia (PE) primarily originate from defective placentation in early pregnancy has been challenged recently. There is growing...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2004) 106 (3): 307–313.
Published: 01 March 2004
...Dan DROBIN; Robert G. HAHN Pre-eclampsia (PE) is a disease of pregnancy associated with peripheral oedema and hypovolaemia, but few details are known about how women with PE handle a volume load of crystalloid fluid compared with healthy pregnant women. To study this issue, Ringer's acetate...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2004) 106 (1): 19–25.
Published: 01 January 2004
.... We have used pre-eclampsia as a model to test the hypothesis that normal endothelium is required to enable adjustment of blood flow to match tissue requirements. Integrity of the endothelial pathway was assessed by measuring calf blood flow at increasing venous pressures, using an established small...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2003) 104 (4): 405–412.
Published: 20 March 2003
...N. ANIM-NYAME; J. GAMBLE; S.R. SOORANNA; M.R. JOHNSON; M.H. SULLIVAN; P.J. STEER The clinical presentation of pre-eclampsia suggests that microvascular dysfunction may play a role in the maternal manifestations of the disease. Isovolumetric venous pressure ( P V i ) is an index of microvascular...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2002) 103 (5): 503–509.
Published: 23 October 2002
...V.M. LEE; P.A. QUINN; S.C. JENNINGS; A.W.F. HALLIGAN; L.L. NG Previous studies have demonstrated a raised Na + content in leucocytes isolated from women with pre-eclampsia. Increased Na + /H + exchanger activity is one membrane transport abnormality that may contribute to this phenomenon and may...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2002) 103 (s2002): 446S–449S.
Published: 01 September 2002
...Torsten SLOWINSKI; Hans-H. NEUMAYER; Thomas STOLZE; Gabriele GOSSING; Horst HALLE; Berthold HOCHER Pre-eclampsia complicates approximately 5–7% of pregnancies and it may be deleterious to both maternal and fetal health. In a prospective study, we investigated plasma endothelin (ET)-1 concentration...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2002) 103 (1): 67–73.
Published: 11 June 2002
...Louise C. KENNY; Philip N. BAKER; David A. KENDALL; Michael D. RANDALL; William R. DUNN Pre-eclampsia is a pregnancy-specific disorder associated with hypertension and proteinuria, characterized by alterations in endothelial cell function. In the present study we have compared responses...
Serum from healthy pregnant women reduces oxidative stress in human umbilical vein endothelial cells
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2002) 103 (1): 53–57.
Published: 11 June 2002
...Fortunato SCALERA; Tina FISCHER; Dietmar SCHLEMBACH; Ernst BEINDER This study was conducted to compare the effects of serum from healthy pregnant women and that from pregnant women with pre-eclampsia on oxidative stress in endothelial cells in culture. Human umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (2000) 99 (6): 505–510.
Published: 07 November 2000
...N. ANIM-NYAME; S. R. SOORANNA; M. R. JOHNSON; J. GAMBLE; P. J. STEER Multiple organ dysfunction followed by end organ failure occurs in pre-eclampsia. While one would intuitively reason that one of the factors contributing to the end organ failure is poor nutritional blood flow, this has yet...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1999) 97 (6): 697–706.
Published: 15 November 1999
...A. BARDEN; L. J. BEILIN; K. BOTH; J. RITCHIE; P. LEEDMAN; B. N. WALTERS; C. A. MICHAEL In order to evaluate whether lipid abnormalities may contribute to endothelial dysfunction in pre-eclampsia, the present study examined the in vitro effects of very-low-density lipoprotein (VLDL), low-density...
Anne E. BARDEN, Lawrence J. BEILIN, Jackie RITCHIE, Barry N. WALTERS, Dorothy GRAHAM, Constantine A. MICHAEL
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1999) 97 (4): 475–483.
Published: 01 September 1999
...Anne E. BARDEN; Lawrence J. BEILIN; Jackie RITCHIE; Barry N. WALTERS; Dorothy GRAHAM; Constantine A. MICHAEL This study aimed to identify if the clinical features of proteinuric pre-eclampsia or the biochemical markers of endothelial dysfunction associated with this syndrome are altered according...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1997) 93 (5): 413–421.
Published: 01 November 1997
...Jenny V. Garmendia; Ylse Gutiérrez; Isaac Blanca; N. E. Bianco; J. B. De Sanctis 1. Serum nitric oxide (NO) levels (determined by its products of oxidation) were assessed in nonpregnant women, normal pregnant women and patients suffering from mild pre-eclampsia (MPE), severe pre-eclampsia (SPE...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1997) 93 (1): 51–55.
Published: 01 July 1997
...S. P. Brennecke; N. M. Gude; J. L. Di Iulio; R. G. King 1. The role of the potent vasodilator nitric oxide in the pathogenesis of pre-eclampsia is unclear. We have tested the hypothesis that placental activity of the enzyme which synthesizes nitric oxide (nitric oxide synthase) is reduced in pre...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1997) 92 (1): 37–44.
Published: 01 January 1997
...A. Barden; D. Graham; L. J. Beilin; J. Ritchie; R. Baker; B. N. Walters; C. A. Michael 1. Neutrophil activation was examined in 22 women with pre-eclampsia and 22 age- and gestation-matched control subjects using whole-blood flow cytometry to assess basal and platelet-activating factor stimulated...
Anne Barden, Lawrence J. Beilin, Jackie Ritchie, Kevin D. Croft, Barry N. Walters, Constantine A. Michael
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1996) 91 (6): 711–718.
Published: 01 December 1996
..., total and urinary 8-iso-prostane were measured in 20 women with proteinuric pre-eclampsia, and compared with 18 age- and gestation-matched pregnant control subjects, before delivery and at 6 weeks postpartum. 2. Plasma free 8-iso-prostane was significantly elevated in the pre-eclamptic women compared...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1995) 89 (1): 91–99.
Published: 01 July 1995
... at risk of pre-eclampsia, on the basis of a previous history of the condition. 2. There was a progressive decline during pregnancy in sensitivity of platelets to inhibition of the arachidonic acid-induced release reaction by agents which act via cyclic AMP. This effect was maximum at 36 weeks' gestation...
Etienne Delacrétaz, Nicolas de Quay, Bernard Waeber, Yvan Vial, Pierre-E. Schulz, Michel Burnier, Hans R. Brunner, Hans Bossart, Nicolas C. Schaad
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1995) 88 (6): 607–610.
Published: 01 June 1995
.... Platelets, like endothelial cells, contain a constitutive form of nitric oxide synthase. 2. The present study aimed to measure the activity of this nitric oxide-forming enzyme in normotensive pregnant and non-pregnant women, as well as in women who had developed pre-eclampsia. Nitric oxide synthase activity...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1994) 86 (6): 731–739.
Published: 01 June 1994
...Sarah L. Janes; Alison H. Goodall 1. Platelet activation status and response to stimulation with agonists ex vivo were studied by whole blood flow cytometry in 15 women with pre-eclampsia, 20 age- and gestational-age-matched women who completed a normal pregnancy, and 20 age-matched non-pregnant...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1994) 86 (5): 575–581.
Published: 01 May 1994
...Mark A. Brown; Loretta Reiter; Alison Rodger; Judith A. Whitworth 1. Pre-eclampsia is characterized by reduced plasma active renin concentration and renal prostacyclin production. The aim of this study was to determine whether the plasma active renin concentration could be stimulated in women...
Mark A. Brown, Min-Xia Wang, Megan L. Buddle, Mark A. Carlton, Gregory M. Cario, Vivienne C. Zammit, Judith A. Whitworth
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1994) 86 (3): 251–255.
Published: 01 March 1994
... with hypertension who had 24 h urinary total protein excretion within the normal range. 2. Twenty-four hour urinary creatinine and albumin excretions were determined prospectively in 26 non-pregnant and 115 pregnant women in their third trimester (40 in normal pregnancy, 38 with mild pre-eclampsia, 20 with severe...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1994) 86 (2): 195–202.
Published: 01 February 1994
...E. Hardy; P. C. Rubin; E. H. Horn 1. Platelet activation in vivo occurs in healthy pregnancy and is more pronounced in pre-eclampsia. 2. This study has investigated: (i) the inhibitory potency of the nitric oxide donors 3-morpholinosydnonimine and sodium nitroprusside, on the platelet release...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 85 (4): 417–424.
Published: 01 October 1993
...L. P. McMahon; C. W. G. Redman; J. D. Firth 1. Maternal vasoconstriction and fetal growth retardation are part of the syndrome of pre-eclampsia and are thought to be related to placental insufficiency. There is evidence to suggest that the powerfully vasoactive endothelin peptides might be involved...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1993) 85 (1): 63–70.
Published: 01 July 1993
... mechanisms. 1 2 1993 19 3 1993 © 1993 The Biochemical Society and the Medical Research Society 1993 eicosanoid hypertension leucocyte platelet-activating factor pre-eclampsia pregnancy Clinical Science (1993) 85, 63-70 (Printed in Great Britain) 63 Neutrophil platelet...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1992) 82 (2): 157–162.
Published: 01 February 1992
.... MATERIALS AND METHODS Subjects Twenty-eight pregnant women in the first or second trimester were recruited from patients admitted to the Key words: angiotensin I1 receptors, pre-eclampsia, vascular reactivity. Abbreviations: ACE, angiotensin-converting enzyme; A N G II, angiotensin II; NA, noradrenaline...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1991) 80 (6): 549–558.
Published: 01 June 1991
... and pre-eclampsia. Non-pregnant young women were used as controls. 3. Pharmacological agents which increase levels of cyclic AMP were significantly less effective as inhibitors of platelet activation during pregnancy, but there was no difference between the healthy and hypertensive pregnant subjects. 4...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1989) 76 (2): 199–203.
Published: 01 February 1989
... and potassium content. 3. Eighty-five subjects completed the study. Seven developed pre-eclampsia. 4. In both controls and patients who developed preeclampsia, leucocyte and erythrocyte sodium content increased with gestational age and fell post partum . These changes were of greater magnitude in the patients...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1988) 74 (3): 307–310.
Published: 01 March 1988
... triphosphatase. 2. Urinary ODF was significantly increased in normal pregnancy. 3. Greater increases were seen in pregnancy-induced hypertension and pre-eclampsia. Clinical Science ( 1 988) 74,307-3 10 307 A ouabain-displacing factor in normal pregnancy, pregnancy- induced hypertension and pre-eclampsia I...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci (Lond) (1980) 59 (s6): 199s–201s.
Published: 01 December 1980
...T. E. Forrester; G. A. O. Alleyne 1. Leucocyte electrolytes were measured in pre-eclampsia and comparison was made with leucocytes from normal primigravidae and from the original pre-eclamptic subjects 6 months after delivery when blood pressure had returned to normal. 2. In pre-eclamptic subjects...
Clinical Science
Clin Sci Mol Med (1976) 51 (s3): 687s–689s.
Published: 01 December 1976
...C. W. G. Redman; L. J. Beilin; J. Bonnar 1. Reversal of the normal diurnal blood pressure pattern has been demonstrated in women with severe hypertension and renal impairment in pregnancy (pre-eclampsia). 2. Maximum arterial pressure occurred at night in these women. The phenomenon was not due...