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Clin Sci (Lond) (2016) 130 (8): 575–586.
Published: 08 March 2016
... Charbeneau R.P. Christensen P.J. Chrisman C.J. Paine, 3rd R. Toews G.B. Peters-Golden M. Moore B.B. Impaired synthesis of prostaglandin e2 by lung fibroblasts and alveolar epithelial cells from gm-csf−/− mice: Implications for fibroproliferation Am. J. Physiol. Lung Cell Mol...
Includes: Supplementary data
Clin Sci (Lond) (1994) 86 (5): 619–626.
Published: 01 May 1994
... interleukin-l itself, from inflamed and normal mucosa. 3. Blockade of cyclo-oxygenase with indomethacin or of lipoxygenase with ICI 207968 or of phospholipase A, with mepacrine inhibited release of prostaglandin E2 or leukotriene C, or both of these plus platelet- activating factor, respectively. 4...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1992) 83 (3): 307–311.
Published: 01 September 1992
... retention in the rat: role of inhibition of prostaglandin E2 synthesis Pnina SCHERZER, Hanna WALD, Dvora RUBINGER and Mordecai M. POPOVTZER Nephrology and Hypertension Services, Hadassah University Hospital, Jerusalem, Israel (Received 17 ]anuary/20 May 1992; accepted 27 May 1992) pretreated with Tris...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1991) 81 (s25): 499–507.
Published: 01 October 1991
.... Papillary collecting tubule synthesis of prostaglandin E2 in Dahl rats. Hyper- tension 1988; 11, 179-84. 15. Tobian, L., Ganguli, M., Johnson, M.A. & Iwai, J. Influence of renal prostaglandins and dietary linolate on hypertension in Dahl S rats. Hypertension 1982; 4 (Suppl. 2), 149-53. Prostaglandin...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1986) 70 (5): 527–530.
Published: 01 May 1986
... acid deacylation and prostaglandin E2 forma- tion in rabbit kidney: hormone-sensitive versus hormone-insensitive lipids pools of arachidonic acid. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 256, 14. Needleman, P., Wycke, A., Bronson, S.D., Holm- berg, S. & Morrison, A.R. (1979) Specific regula- tion of peptide...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1986) 70 (3): 243–247.
Published: 01 March 1986
...: aldosterone, glomerular filtration rate, kidney disease, prostaglandin E2, ienal blood flow, renin, sulindac. Abbreviations: ERPF, effective renal plasma flow; GFR, glomerular filtration rate; PRA, plasma renin activity. Introduction Sulindac is a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory pro- drug. After absorption...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1985) 68 (5): 601–604.
Published: 01 May 1985
...: age, children, 6-ketoprostaglandin F1,, potassium, prostaglandin E2, urine. only. Introduction Prostaglandin (PG) E, and prostacyclin (PGI,) are potent vasodilators concerned with control of renal vascular tone [ 11, electrolyte excretion [2] and renin release [l]. Urinary PGEz and 6-keto- PGFl...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1985) 68 (1): 93–96.
Published: 01 January 1985
... Clinical Science (1985) 68,93-96 93 SHORT COMMUNZCA TZON Effect of sodium loading on the urinary excretion of prostaglandins E2 and F2a! in rats with hereditary diabetes insipidus (Brattleboro rats) M . RATHAUS, N . KARIV, J . SHAPIRA A N D J . BERNHEIM Department of Nephrology, Meir General Hospital, Kfar...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1984) 67 (5): 521–528.
Published: 01 November 1984
...) and after drying down the remainder was redissolved in assay buffer for radioimmunoassay of prostaglandin E2. The antibody was obtained from the Institute Pasteur, Paris, and cross-reactivity with prosta- glandins A, B and F was 0.3% and with prostaglan- din El 11%. Statistical analysis All results...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1984) 66 (4): 399–406.
Published: 01 April 1984
... infusion of prostaglandin Ez were studied in 25 women in second trimester pregnancy. Twenty received one infusion of angio- tensin I1 alone, followed by its infusion simul- taneously with prostaglandin E2; five received two identical infusions of angiotensin I1 alone as controls. 2. Angiotensin I1 infusion...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1983) 65 (1): 37–42.
Published: 01 July 1983
... clinical Science (1983) 65, 31-42 37 Urinary prostaglandin E2 and kallikrein excretion in glucocrticoid hypertension in rats MICHIKO HANDA, KAZUOKI KONDO*, HIROMICHI SUZUKIt AND T A K A 0 SARUTA Department of Internal Medicine, Keio University School of Medicine, Tokyo, *Department of Clinical Pharmacology...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1983) 64 (4): 407–415.
Published: 01 April 1983
... prostaglandin E2 and renin in normal man. Clfnlcal Science, 57 (Suppl. 5), 267s-269s. I301 TAN, S.Y. & MULROW, PJ. (1977) Inhibition of the renin- aldosterone response to fur-ide by indomethacin. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, 45, 174-176. I311 BRATER, D.C. (1979) Analysis of the effect...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1980) 59 (s6): 105s–116s.
Published: 01 December 1980
... I E , C.A. & LEVINE, L. (1973) Evidence for the presence of a prostaglandin E2-9-keto reductase in rat organs. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Comminications. 52.717-724. LONIGRO. A.J., HAGEMANN, M.H.. STEPHENSON. A H. & FRY, C.L. (I 978) Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis by indomethacin...
Clin Sci Mol Med (1976) 51 (s3): 249s–251s.
Published: 01 December 1976
..., prostaglandin E2, renal function. Introduction Inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis with indo- methacin has been shown to induce hypertension in normal rabbits (Colina-Chourio, McGiff & Nasj- letti, 1975) and to produce further elevation of blood pressure in renovascular hypertensive rats (Pugsley, Eeilin...