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Keywords: saphenous vein
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Clin Sci (Lond) (2002) 103 (s2002): 438S–441S.
Published: 01 September 2002
... for each concentration was calculated as the percentage activity [(contraction to big ET-1/contraction to ET-1)×100] normalized to KCl (100mM). In control experiments, at low concentrations FEA was lower in internal mammary arteries than in saphenous veins ( P <0.05). While FEA was suppressed...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1985) 68 (s10): 21s–24s.
Published: 01 January 1985
... antagonists in blocking the B-HT 933-induced contractile responses of the dog saphenous vein and preventing adrenaline-induced aggregation of human platelets. 5. Together with previously published data derived from tritium overflow studies on rabbit pulmonary arteries and displacement of [ 3 H]-rauwolscine...
Clin Sci (Lond) (1985) 68 (s10): 121s–123s.
Published: 01 January 1985
... (37°-24°C) has the opposite effect. 2. The effects of warming and cooling on α 1 -adrenergic responses are buffered by a large receptor reserve, allowing for the predominance of alterations in α 2 -adrenergic responsiveness. α-adrenoceptors receptor reserve saphenous vein temperature © 1985...