Translational meta-research
What is meta-research?
Meta-research can help us to improve science by identifying common problems with the design, conduct, analysis and reporting of scientific studies. This allows us to develop targeted solutions. Meta-research may also examine other topics that influence research practices, including hiring and promotion practices, educational programs, journal guidelines and funding agency policies.
Clinical Science meta-research collection overview
This Clinical Science meta-research collection focusses on applied translational research aspects linking basic science to disease mechanisms. We encourage submission of meta-research which focus on the application of tools and techniques with the aim of supporting the implementation of effective translational research. Meta-research papers should have a strong focus on solutions, papers may highlight existing solutions or introduce new solutions. Clinical Science’s mission is to link basic science to disease mechanisms, and through this meta-research collection we hope to highlight and disseminate targeted solutions to advance translational research.
Importantly, meta-research is different from meta-analysis, in which authors systematically identify all studies that address a particular research question; then pool the results to estimate the size and direction of the effect. Clinical Science does not normally consider meta-analysis submissions; however, where meta-analyses are used as a means to do meta-research, it is supported for submissions to this collection.
We would like to thank all the authors for their excellent contributions, and we hope you enjoy reading this special collection.