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Translational meta-research

Guest edited by Dr Tracey Weissgerber

What is meta-research?

Meta-research can help us to improve science by identifying common problems with the design, conduct, analysis and reporting of scientific studies. This allows us to develop targeted solutions. Meta-research may also examine other topics that influence research practices, including hiring and promotion practices, educational programs, journal guidelines and funding agency policies.

Clinical Science meta-research collection overview

This Clinical Science meta-research collection focusses on applied translational research aspects linking basic science to disease mechanisms. We encourage submission of meta-research which focus on the application of tools and techniques with the aim of supporting the implementation of effective translational research. Meta-research papers should have a strong focus on solutions, papers may highlight existing solutions or introduce new solutions. Clinical Science’s mission is to link basic science to disease mechanisms, and through this meta-research collection we hope to highlight and disseminate targeted solutions to advance translational research.

Importantly, meta-research is different from meta-analysis, in which authors systematically identify all studies that address a particular research question; then pool the results to estimate the size and direction of the effect. Clinical Science does not normally consider meta-analysis submissions; however, where meta-analyses are used as a means to do meta-research, it is supported for submissions to this collection.

We would like to thank all the authors for their excellent contributions, and we hope you enjoy reading this special collection.

Special Collection Image
Kaitlyn Hair; Emma Wilson; Charis Wong; Anthony Tsang; Malcolm Macleod; Alexandra Bannach-Brown
Emma Wilson; Florenz Cruz; Duncan Maclean; Joly Ghanawi; Sarah K. McCann; Paul M. Brennan; Jing Liao; Emily S. Sena; Malcolm Macleod
Nico Riedel; Robert Schulz; Vartan Kazezian; Tracey Weissgerber
Tracey L. Weissgerber
Vedrana Pavlovic; Tracey Weissgerber; Dejana Stanisavljevic; Tatjana Pekmezovic; Ognjen Milicevic; Jelena Milin Lazovic; Andja Cirkovic; Marko Savic; Nina Rajovic; Pavle Piperac; Nemanja Djuric; Petar Madzarevic; Ana Dimitrijevic; Simona Randjelovic; Emilija Nestorovic; Remi Akinyombo; Andrija Pavlovic; Ranine Ghamrawi; Vesna Garovic; Natasa Milic
Michael J. Ryan; Rhian M. Touyz
René Bernard; Tracey L. Weissgerber; Evgeny Bobrov; Stacey J. Winham; Ulrich Dirnagl; Nico Riedel
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