Editorial Board
Editor-in-Chief: Professor Paula Booth
Affiliation: King's College London
Subject areas: Membrane protein folding, biophysics
Biography: Paula is currently the Daniell Chair of Chemistry and Head of Department at King’s College, London, UK. Her research addresses the biosynthetic folding of integral membrane proteins, studying reaction mechanisms, regulation by membrane lipids and constructing biomembranes for synthetic biology applications. Paula studied Chemistry at Oxford University followed by a PhD at Imperial College, London. She has held Faculty positions at Oxford, Imperial College and Bristol where she was Professor in the School of Biochemistry.
Editorial Advisory Panel
Professor Neil BruceAffiliation: University of York, UK
Subject areas: Industrial and environmental biotechnology
Biography: Neil studied Applied Biology at the Hatfield Polytechnic and obtained his PhD at the University of Kent. In 1987 he moved to the Institute of Biotechnology at the University of Cambridge where he worked with Chris Lowe on the development of biosensors for the detection of illicit drugs. In parallel, he received a Research Fellowship from Wolfson College to work on the metabolism of alkaloids. In 1990 he was appointed to a Lectureship at the Institute of Biotechnology and then subsequently a Readership where he expanded his interests in microbial and plant metabolism of xenobiotic compounds. In 2002 he moved to the University of York where he was appointed to the Chair of Biotechnology. His laboratory’s main interests involve studying the biodegradation of explosives and lignocellulose with a major focus on enzyme discovery for industrial and environmental applications.
Professor Kathy Cheah
Affiliation: Hong Kong University
Subject area: Genetics, genomics, medical genetics, development, developmental disorders
Biography: Professor Kathryn Cheah is Chair Professor of Biochemistry at The University of Hong Kong. Following a BSc degree in Biology from the University of London and a PhD from the University of Cambridge, she undertook postdoctoral research in the University of Manchester and then the Imperial Cancer Research Fund. She joined the University of Hong Kong in 1983, was made Head of the Department of Biochemistry from 1997-2009 and then Director of the Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine Centre for Reproduction, Development and Growth from 2004-2009. The driving motivation of her research is the realisation that, with an ageing population worldwide, genomic and regenerative medicine will play critical roles in helping to preserve healthy growth and quality of life. The Mission of her group is to make significant contributions through multidisciplinary synergistic partnerships and cutting edge science to enable ambitious research questions to be tackled. By applying the new knowledge to the development of strategies for the reconstitution or repair of tissues, her group aspires to reach the long term Vision of “Bench to Bedside” research, translating discovery to the clinic.
Professor Martin Humphries
Affiliation: University of Manchester, UK
Subject Area: Biochemistry
Biography: Martin is Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Manchester. He carried out postdoctoral research at the Howard University Cancer Center, Washington, DC, USA and at the National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, USA. In 1988, he was awarded a Wellcome Trust Senior Research Fellowship to return to Manchester. In 1995, he progressed to a Principal Research Fellowship and co-founded the Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research, which he directed from 2000 to 2009. From 2008 to 2016, he was Vice-President & Dean of the Faculty of Life Sciences. Professor Humphries is a Fellow of the Academy of Medical Sciences and the Royal Society of Biology, and a member of Academia Europaea. He has served as Chair of the Biochemical Society and Vice-President of the Academy of Medical Sciences. The long-term aim of the research conducted in his laboratory is to elucidate the mechanisms by which adhesion controls cell behaviour. A current focus is the ternary connection between extracellular matrix rigidity, signals transduced by adhesion receptor-associated complexes and cell cycle progression.
Dr Krithi Karanth
Affiliation: Centre for Wildlife Studies, Bangalore
Subject area: Environmental Science and Policy, Wildlife Conservation, Species Distribution, Human-wildlife Interaction
Biography: Dr. Karanth is the Chief Conservation Scientist & Director at Centre for Wildlife Studies as well as Adjunct Faculty at Duke and National Centre for Biological Sciences. Her research in India and Asia spanning 24 years encompasses many issues in the human dimensions of wildlife conservation. She has conducted macro-level studies assessing patterns of species distributions and extinctions, impacts of wildlife tourism, consequences of voluntary resettlement, land use change, and understanding human-wildlife interactions.
Professor Marcellus Ubbink
Affiliation Leiden University, The Netherlands
Subject areas: biochemistry, enzymology, structural biology
Biography: Marcellus studied Biology at Utrecht University and received a PhD degree in Chemistry from Leiden University. After spending three years as a post-doc in the Department of Biochemistry at Cambridge University, he became a lecturer at Leiden University. Since 2010 he is a full Professor in Protein Chemistry. His research is focussed at understanding enzyme structure, dynamics, function and evolution at the atomic level.