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Keywords: ubiquitin
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Essays Biochem (2022) 66 (2): 147–154.
Published: 05 August 2022
...Michael J. Skelly Proper regulation of protein homeostasis (proteostasis) is essential for all organisms to survive. A diverse range of post-translational modifications (PTMs) allow precise control of protein abundance, function and cellular localisation. In eukaryotic cells, ubiquitination...
Essays Biochem (2022) 66 (2): 99–110.
Published: 05 August 2022
...Carla Brillada; Marco Trujillo Most research in the field of ubiquitination has focused on E3 ubiquitin ligases because they are the specificity determinants of the ubiquitination process. Nevertheless, E2s are responsible for the catalysis during ubiquitin transfer, and are therefore, at the heart...
Includes: Supplementary data
Essays Biochem (2022) 66 (2): 111–121.
Published: 05 August 2022
...Beatriz Orosa-Puente; Steven H. Spoel Ubiquitination is an essential post-translational signal that allows cells to adapt and respond to environmental stimuli. Substrate modifications range from a single ubiquitin molecule to complex polyubiquitin chains, where diverse chain topologies constitute...
Essays Biochem (2016) 60 (2): 143–151.
Published: 15 October 2016
... with the ubiquitin and ubiquitin-like post-translational modifier system, which manages cellular protein folding stress and promotes the restoration of proteostasis. This is achieved in large part through the action of the UPS (ubiquitin–proteasome system), which is responsible for directing the proteasomal...
Essays Biochem (2013) 55: 51–64.
Published: 27 September 2013
.... Autophagosomes are subsequently targeted to the lysosome/vacuole with which they fuse to degrade their content. The formation of the autophagosome is carried out by a set of autophagy-related proteins (Atg), highly conserved from yeast to mammals. The Atg8s are Ubl (ubiquitin-like) proteins that play...
Essays Biochem (2013) 55: 79–92.
Published: 27 September 2013
... including protein aggregates, signalling complexes, midbody rings, mitochondria and bacterial pathogens. In the present chapter, we discuss these autophagy receptors, their binding to ATG8/LC3 proteins and how they act in ubiquitin-mediated selective autophagy of intracellular bacteria (xenophagy...