Biochemical Society
Founded in 1911, the Biochemical Society exists to advance molecular bioscience, promoting its importance as an academic discipline, from grassroots level to government policy, and highlighting its role in positively effecting societal challenges.
Offering an extensive programme of scientific meetings, training events and courses, educational resources and activities, policy and public engagement, the Society provides support for researchers and scientists, teachers, and members of the public.
As the UK’s largest single-discipline learned society, member benefits include access to grants and bursaries, reduced registration fees at Biochemical Society meetings and events, opportunities to get involved with policy and public engagement activities, as well as guidance and information for bioscientists across all career stages.
Become a member and you’ll also receive personal online access to one of our outstanding research journals, the Biochemical Journal, as well as the reviews journal of the Biochemical Society, Biochemical Society Transactions. There’s also The Biochemist, the magazine of the Biochemical Society, which is free to access for all.
Visit the Biochemical Society’s website to find out about the full range of member benefits.
Scientific Meetings and Training
From scientific meetings to training events and courses, the Biochemical Society provides a platform for collaboration and knowledge-sharing across the wider research community. Online training courses and livestreaming also allow delegates to access events wherever they’re based. Visit the Biochemical Society’s website to view our full events programme. Find out more
Awards, Grants and Bursaries
Each year the Biochemical Society makes a series of prestigious awards that recognize excellence and achievement in both specific and general fields of science. The Society also offers an extensive range of grants and bursaries for members and non-members, supporting research, attendance at scientific conferences, and sponsoring events and activities. Find out more
Careers and Education
The Biochemical Society’s education programme aims to provide opportunities for people of all ages to explore and discuss issues raised by developments in related research areas. The Society offers a range of events, activities and resources for students, teachers and educators, scientists, and members of the public, including our popular Scientific Outreach Grants and Summer Vacation Studentship schemes for undergraduates. Find out more
The Biochemical Society champions the molecular biosciences by identifying and acting on key science policy issues, ensuring that the views of our members are communicated to the appropriate policy-makers. Open to all members, the Society’s Policy Network offers those who sign up the opportunity to keep up-to-date with and feed into Society policy activities. Find out more