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Publishing life cycle: submission

Once you are ready to submit your work to your chosen journal, you should consider the submission requirements and formatting guidelines below.

Submission checklist for new papers:

  • Cover letter
  • Title and full author information
  • Abstract
  • Main text
  • References (included within the main text)
    • Should be in Vancouver style
    • Figures/tables (please refer to separate figure preparation guidelines)
    • Supplementary material (as necessary), provided as a separate file

Submission checklist for revised papers:

As stated above for new papers, in addition please provide:

  • Response to original reviewer report (provided as a separate file)
  • A marked document showing changes to your paper
  • Ensure that any figures/tables or supplementary material uploaded at the original submission is also provided with the revised paper

Specific requirements for the main text, figures and file formats can be found here>

Authors may submit additional data (e.g. additional figures, large datasets, additional tables, movies and three-dimensional structures) as supplementary material to accompany their main paper. Please note that any information essential to the main understanding of the paper (including methods and controls) need to be included in the main text and not in any supplementary material.

1. Files

You will be asked to upload the files associated with your paper. Uploaded files will be merged into a submission PDF for use during the peer-review process.

2. Paper information

You will be asked to enter all of the necessary paper information such as title, authors etc.

3. Validate and submit

You will have an opportunity to review your submitted information and make any changes as necessary before completing the submission. You will also be prompted at this point to fill in any missing or incomplete information. Once the validation process is complete, you will be able to submit your paper for consideration.

Once you have successfully completed submission, your paper will be assigned a unique manuscript ID enabling you to track its progress throughout the peer review process.

   |    Submission    |    Peer review    |    Publication   |    Promotion

More information on Portland Press publishing policies can be found at the links below:

Language-editing services:


For further information, please contact:

  • The Editorial Office for information on preparation, submission or peer review of articles
  • The Production Team for information post-acceptance of an article and production queries
  • The Marketing Team for guidance on promotion of your paper



Journal-specific instructions to authors can be found by clicking on the appropriate journal below:

Research Journals

Biochemical Journal - Instructions to authors >

Clinical Science - Instructions to authors >

Bioscience Reports - Instructions to authors > 

Review Journals

Biochemical Society Transactions - Instructions to authors >

Essays in Biochemistry - Instructions to authors >

Emerging Topics in Life Sciences - Instructions to authors >

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