Wenner - Gren International Series Volume 86
Trust in Universities
Edited by Lars Engwall and Peter Scott
Year of publication: 2013ISBN: 978-185578-194-8
The university’s reliance on trust is double-edged. On the one hand, teaching in higher education is designed to promote critical enquiry in the Socratic tradition of “I know that I do not know”. Research is also based on ceaseless questioning of accepted wisdom. In that sense universities are the enemies of ‘trust’. On the other hand, they must be trusted in order to continue to occupy an autonomous space within civil society. Without a high degree of ‘trust’ their capacity to fulfil their critical and speculative functions will be eroded. The growth of mass higher education systems, the managerial revolution within institutions, the development of a market culture (and behaviours), the emphasis on professional training and vocational outcomes and the advance of the ‘knowledge society’ focused on the impact of research – all pose serious threats to traditional notions of ‘trust’ in higher education. This book, which has grown out of a symposium jointly organized by the Academia Europaea and the Wenner-Gren Foundations, explores these growing tensions between the autonomy of the university and the accountability of higher education to wider society.
Part 1: Basic Considerations
Setting the scene
Lars Engwall and Peter Scott
Trust as a necessary attitude in learning and research
Ray Spier, with comments by Jens Erik Fenstad
Public trust and institutions of higher learning: implications for professional responsibility
Stephanie J. Bird, with comments by Terri Kim
Accountability, the Magna Charta Universitatum and the Bologna Declaration
André Oosterlinck, with comments by Alessandro Cavalli
Part II: Universities and the Audit Society
The university in the audit society: on accountability, trust and markets
Jürgen Enders, with comments by Göran Hermerén
Audits and the university: the restoration of personal trust in higher education
Michael Huber, with comments by Kerstin Sahlin
The loss of trust and how to regain it: performance measures and entrepreneurial universities
Peter Weingart, with comments by Rolf Torstendahl
Part III: Universities and the Media
Higher education and the media: a meeting of minds?
John O’Leary, with comments by Thorsten Nybom
The last endangered species
Robert L. Park, with comments by Denis Weaire
The integrity of creating, communicating and consuming information online in the context of Higher Education Institutions
Simon Rogerson, with comments by Robert B. Kvavik
Part IV: Universities and Markets
Branding the university: relational strategy of identity construction in a competitive field
Gili S. Drori, Guiseppe Delmestri and Achim Oberg, with comments by Inge-Bert Täljedal
Higher Education Institutions between a global and a local challenge
Giovanni Natile, with comments by Erik De Corte
Universities struggling with accountability and trust: insights from university–industry interactions in innovative foods
Maureen McKelvey, with comments by Dan Brändström
Part V: Conclusions
Trust in universities, audit society, the media and markets
Lars Engwall and Peter Scott