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Why Publish With Us?

As the publishing arm of the Biochemical Society, Portland Press are deeply embedded in the research community. From pre-submission advice and support to post-publication promotion and reporting, our journals offer an exceptional range of benefits that help you get the most out of publishing with us.


Alongside our Society, we represent one half of a joint mission to share knowledge and advance the molecular biosciences. Publishing the best research and reviews makes this possible. Working to support researchers and institutions, we return all of our profits to the Biochemical Society, facilitating their scientific meetings, training events, educational activities, public engagement and policy work, and awards and grants. Combining our efforts in this way allows us to better serve current and future generations of scientists, driving our many research areas forward and promoting our shared disciplines to wider audiences.

Biochemical Society | Events and Training | Grants and Bursaries | Biochemical Society and Portland Press Strategy 2022-2025 |


As an independent, society-owned publisher, we’re proud to be part of the Society Publishers’ Coalition alongside other likeminded societies. We’re working together to make a sustainable transition from paywalled research to a fully open access publishing model, maintaining an open dialogue between publishers, learned societies, researchers, institutions, and funders. Responding positively to the moving parameters of open access (OA) mandates, and embracing the principles of open scholarship, is vital to the diversity and health of the academic landscape. We’re pleased to be at the forefront of discussions, ensuring that we can continue to support, and generate investment for, the communities that we serve.

Society Publishers’ Coalition | Open Scholarship position statement | Biochemical Society and Portland Press Strategy 2022-2025 |

Best Practice

From data availability to copyright and licenses to transparent peer review processes, we’re committed to the highest ethical standards. We only ever want to disseminate thorough, unbiased, fully accountable research and reviews and achieve this first and foremost through our editorial independence. All of our journals adhere to COPE and ICMJE publishing guidelines and recommendations.

COPE | ICMJE | About Portland Press | Data Policy | Peer Review |


We want to connect fellow researchers to the work that’s important to them; organic discoverability is vital to achieving this objective. Maximizing the impact and visibility of published articles, our journals are variously indexed in CNKI, Crossref, the Directory of Open Access Journals, Google Scholar, PubMed Central, PubMed/Medline and Web of Science.  

Please refer to individual journals for journal-specific indexing.

About Portland Press | Promotion |

Researcher Network

Our journals help authors and reviewers raise their profile within the research community.  Integrating ORCID and Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service directly into our workflows, authors and reviewers are seamlessly connected to their professional outputs. Using ORCID and Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service, contributions to any of our journals are automatically and definitively credited and are no less fully demonstrable to fellow researchers, institutions, and funders.

ORCID | Web of Science Reviewer Recognition Service | About Portland Press | Promotion |

Editorial Boards

Our Editorial Boards are comprised of world-leading scientists who are actively engaged in the research community. As well as providing comprehensive coverage, expertise, and international representation, we strive to ensure that our Editorial Boards reflect the full breadth and diversity of the research community itself. 

Please refer to individual journals for journal-specific Editorial Boards.

International Reach and Visibility

Our Editorial Boards, authors, and readership offer global representation and reach. With over over 4.8 million worldwide article views in 2023, our journals ensure that your paper reaches a wide and highly engaged audience.

Please refer to individual journals for journal-specific representation and reach.


As a society-owned publisher, we know that publishing your work is just one part of a wider process. Following publication, our journals offer fully integrated reporting, charting all of our articles’ downloads and citations. More than that, they are now tracked by Altmetric, measuring impact beyond traditional avenues and into the broader spheres of social media, policy and patents, news and blogs, and altogether providing more complete overviews and enhanced insights.

Altmetric | About Portland Press |



We have a dedicated Marketing team who strive to maximize the impact, visibility, and reach of our published articles. As well as indexing, we promote our published papers through social media, email alerts, tailored collections, and press releases (where appropriate).

As a publishing author, you too can do your bit. Embracing the digital landscape of scholarly publishing, our journals provide authors with opportunities to capitalize on and further drive engagement with their articles post-publication. With integrated Altmetric tracking, and a host of other online platforms, visit our page on Promotion to find out how you can increase the impact of your article.

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Coordinated and Transparent Peer Review

Our peer review is coordinated by members of our world-class Editorial Boards based on their expertise in the field. Working alongside our in-house Editorial team, assigned Associate Editors (or Guest Editors, for themed collections) ensure a comprehensive and transparent process. With an average of 36 days from submission to first decision, our reviewers add genuine value to the objectives of your work and at the same time deliver an efficient route to publication.

Please refer to individual journals for journal-specific average timelines.

Peer Review |

Fast Publication

With an average of 36 days from acceptance to publication (for final Versions of Record), our Production team works tirelessly to get accepted papers out into the community. We appreciate the importance of publically crediting your work: the sooner your submission is published, the sooner it can contribute to collective advancement. To this end, we also publish Accepted Manuscripts for research papers within 48 hours of acceptance, at which point they are indexed by PubMed and Crossref while the final Version of Record is proofed and finalized.

Please refer to individual journals for journal-specific average timelines.

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